This client runs an e-commerce fulfillment center. Packages come in from abroad, and are being send out to customers of small- to medium sized E-commerce retailers. The client currently does the complete fulfillment of 26 E-commerce shops.

About the Fulfillment Administration App

Look for an easy way to scan and digitize all incoming documentation for packages that we receive on behalf of our clients. Automatically detect the edges of the document or photo and allow you to share it, print it directly or store it on the centralized server and make it accessible for clients.


  • iOS App
  • Make photo scans of incoming documents and store them on the centralized server
  • Or Re-Print them directly at the client’s office via Google Cloud software
  • Convert photos directly to a PDF file
  • Perspective crop with magnetic pointer

Current situation

The app is currently being used internally on a daily basis and we’re in discussions to sell the app to other fulfillment agencies.


“Nexibeo has proven they are a solid partner. With a small team and a decent budget Nexibeo managed to make a customized app that makes us work a lot more efficient”

Fulfillment center administration App, Janice B, Founder

Fulfillment center administration App's Team Formation

  • Part time Product/Project manager
  • 1 Ream lead / software architect.
  • Part-time  Developer
  • Part time QA Specialists